Friday 15 May 2015

Deliver Workshop to Daca

DACA Work Shop: Mistake Mark Making

Today was the big day, MMU students delivery mark making workshop to DACA day. All the mmu student had arrived early to Darwen. I felt that that we all were really good with punctuality in time management. well has the day began for our workshop all of my group were ready and set will all the resource we need to for our mistake workshop.

These are two before and after photographs of all the
resources my groups mistakes mark and making workshop.

After we got all the students in the group got all of them in circle and doing an exchange introduction with them.

  • Student in a circle exchanging introduction and introduction to the presentation of Mistake mark and making and explaining to the students what we aim for them have as final outcome and how the mmu group aim to get engage with them. 
DACA Mistake Mark Making Morning:
The morning at Daca was very exciting for all the student and the member of my group we through enjoyed ourselves. I was feeling rather comfortable in Daca throughout the full morning session has I feel it was probably because my group was very organized on time management, everything was going according to the timetable that we had planned. Also the involvement of the student was working really well, all the students were well engaged into the mark making, all of them were creating really good mark making techniques with use of all the mark making resources, paints and crafts.

 These photographs are showing all the morning session mark making activities, and student mark making boiler suits. The photographs also show mmu show students getting involved with the DACA students and creating mark making.

DACA Mistakes Mark and Making Afternoon Session:
The afternoon session at Darwen was a bit stressful as I felt that  all the student were getting a slightly bored of mark making. However during the afternoon we decided to be more creative and turn the workshop into a art and design sports day by playing games with student such as musical bumps, Simons says, twisters and obstacles course these games were still linked with our mark making workshop because as the student were playing the games they were also creating mark making with the paint resources on to the fabric which was layed on the floor.

These photographs shows all the art and design sports day, the games the mini workshops and the mark and making fabric.

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