Tuesday 5 May 2015

Unit x Key Blog Post 2

Key Blog Post: 2

So far unit x has been an interesting experience, I feel that I have been very interactive during my time in DACA.  Regarding the workshop that my group have to delivery in DACA we had many meeting resolving around the workshop on the activities, games or how we wanted the year 9 students to freely express themselves in art. Throughout the meeting for our workshop they were many advantage and disadvantage to it. The disadvantage to the meeting was my lack of confidence I had found it really difficult to work with group when it come to sharing my ideas, I feel that it particularly my fault as I am not really comfortable with sharing my ideas or working much in groups. However I was really impressed with the idea of how all the group had mark making as a way to express themselves in creative art.the advantage to the meeting was building up my confident, I found this really well that a lot of the group member still have they very own created mark making drawing from their past art and design work. While talking about mark making my confident naturally engaged with the group I shared many ideas of activities which we all can create with the year 9 students. By the group talking about the enjoyment they have in mark making all the group though this was a great idea of turning our DACA workshop from abstracted expression to mistakes mark making. We clearly made our ideas simple for the year nine student easy for them to understand that art and design does not have to be perfect you can always do mistake and be messy and free in art. Another idea from the meeting was that all the group should work with year 9 student and interact with them with inspiring them with our own creative practise for examples textiles mmu student, interactive art student make up they own mini workshop as one of the activities. I strongly believe that this activity was a great idea as it will gave an opportunity to my group of expressing what we all indivualy specialize in.  I am really hoping that our workshop for DACA really work out great for all the student and the teachers there. My Intentions and aim are clear that all mmu student experience a great time at the delivery workshop. Time table for DACA workshop

Before we could delivery our workshop I came across delivering my very own individually micro teaching workshop to the mmu student. However before I can proceed all the mmu students had an examples of micro teaching where we had to follow my unit x tutor Anna instructions and create something from play dough. My creation with the play dough was an inspiration from a ceramics artists called Lindsay Furer. Who I had come across during my college years. I thought of Lindsay Furer because as soon as I touch the play dough I felt like I was touching ceramics clay but softer. As for my own individual micro teaching session I had decided to do an experiment of one the activities from my Daca work shop. One of the activities was to mark make to the music. I wanted to create this micro teaching experiment and hopeful I can develop it to DACA workshop. I feel that my micro teaching experiments went better then I though as the student created really good mark making with the music. However I did receive mixed reviews has some of the students felt that they was too much going on with the music and mark making with eyes closed and opened. Form my micro teaching I do believe that I could have made my PowerPoint more detailed. Overall delivering the micro teaching session I felt positive because my teaching experiment was something that I would definitely talk to my Daca workshop group with and hope not to have the year 9 students as the mmu student felt through my workshop. Overall I am looking forward to my Daca workshop I feel that I am prepared in knowing everything what is going on and all the resources that I need for my workshop.

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