Friday 8 May 2015

DACA Workshop Preperation

Workshop Preparation:
This week we had to present our workshop to the other group of unit x also with Clair and Anna. My group started with giving out the time table for the day of our workshop.
    The time table is mainly mentioning about what activities the group will be presenting for the DACA students. Each activity is time managed well, and each mmu member been given a task to be engaged and well involved in the activity  and leading each session.

    In This session the full group had decided what task they wanted to know and what mini workshop will we be doing with the students when it comes to group workshop.
    Has I am an Interactive art student and I specialise in Photography and Mixed Media. I had decided to take the task of being the workshop photographer to take pictures through the full day in DACA. For my group workshop the Interactive students decided to performance workshop with student but linking it with mark making.

    DACA Workshop Trail Run:
      After giving out all the hand outs to everyone we did a trail run on our workshop in DACA.
    The trail run went really bad I felt everyone was really confused with what was going on. They was a lack of preparation and organization. The rest the other group students and Clair and Anna could see that we were really confused, so with they help my workshop group realized that it is important to know we gave to work on time table and preparation.

    So The next day all the group gathered and had a full day meeting working on our timetable and our workshop activities.
    All the resources collection for mark making:

    New Timetable and Lesson Plan:

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