Wednesday 29 April 2015

MicroTeaching Session Plan and Delivery

Micro Teaching Delivery Workshop:

After Anna example of micro teaching, my aim was to present my own micro teaching of Mark Making to the Music.

Planning my Workshop:

  • Micro Teaching
  • Lesson Objective: Mark Making To The Music
Lesson Plan

Micro Teaching Session Aim:
  • Presentation PowerPoint:
  • Have all the students engaged in mark making to music with eyes closed and opened with music background.
  • Involved students to uses different materials and resources to mark make.
Lesson Objective:
  • Make the students understand what mark making is and how to express through music in mark making.
  • Cardboard
  •  Card paper
  •  Coloured Paper
  •  Tracing Paper
  • Charcoal
  •  Paint Brushes
  •  Pallets
  •  Different Colours of Ink.
Micro Teaching Delivery:
  • I started my micro teaching session with my presenting my Expressing Yourself Through Mark Making presentation. Explaining to all the students what I feel mark making is and how I express my self through it. I also showed the students what mark making looks like when you have your eyes closed and open through music.
  • After my presentation I gave all the resources to everyone related to my session and clearly explained to all the student to think of a good happy memory and mark make to the music for 3 minutes, I did the same with the students to close they eyes this time and think of a sad memory and mark make to the music.
  • I think so far of micro teaching session went really well I was getting really comfortable with all the students. The only problem that I had was with music I feel that I could have worked better with the music more.
  • By the end of the micro teaching session all of the students had created really good outcome of mark making they had used the resources really well and experimented.
Micro Teaching Session Feedback:
I got mixed review from my session all of the student were happy with all the use of resources and the presentation. However during the mark making sessions most of the feedback the students felt like they was a lot going on with the background music and mark making with closed eyes. The students learned that it is harder to draw to the music. However they had enjoyed the session with ups and downs.


Friday 24 April 2015

Tutorials session

Tutorial session with Claire:
 To day I had a Tutorial session with Claire regarded on my delivering Micro Teaching workshop. I Basically came up with idea on Mark Making to the music for the Micro teaching. I had explained to Claire what my aims for this theme. I aim to have this session as an experiment workshop to help me develop my workshop which is coming in DACA. In DACA my group plans to do a range of activities of mark making to the music. so I plan to see how it goes with as an experiment with my Micro Teaching.

MicroTeaching Brief and Intro



Anna Micro Teaching Session:

  • The Following week we had a introduction to Micro Teaching. We had to follow Anna instructions and work in pairs and in big groups for the Micro Teaching activates.
  • This picture is from the micro teaching introduction from Anna, this session was all about Anna delivering her warm up session on micro teaching in the Art direction' theory. what we had to do in this session is to be In pairs of two. everyone was given four pieces of coloured card, red, green, yellow and blue, as well as a piece of fruit. Anna had given us clear instruction for this task it was to place the piece of fruit onto which ever piece of card we personally think the fruit fitted best on. Farhana and I picked the apple has the fruit, we picked the apple has it reflected to the similar coloured cards which was given to us. However Farhana and I deciding to go with the bright yellow coloured card, the reason for this was because yellow was bright it had reflected with the apple really well, the two colours together was a great colour combination.

Micro Teaching Planning and Delivery Session:

 For Anna Micro Teaching session she delivered her workshop by asking everyone individually and make something out of play dough. to me creating something with play dough is similar to creating something with clay in ceramics. my creation with play dough was inspiration from an artists called Lindsay Furer who I came across my college year in art and design ceramics.
After this Anna paired us up with someone and what I had created in my session in micro teaching I had teaching my partner too. we both had to teaching each other of what we had created with play dough.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Workshop Sessions

Review On D.A.C.A Experience

Group Talk:
on the first day back the entire unit x educator group all gathered around for a discussion on our experience of DACA. we all engaged with each other talking about our experiences and what we had thought about the school, teachers and students.
 what I had found the most common through out this discussion sessions was the fact and opinions on Darwen and the school.
  • In Darwen DACA will not be the only academy school they will be two other academy schools joining DACA which is currently there.
  • The DACA academy is shown to be a very strong and positive in Darwen town, its shown outstanding results and outcomes.
  • One of the outcomes that I had notice during my experience in DACA is that the academy is giving the students full encouragement and resources that will be helping them through out they academy years and setting them for the student future. I feel this will help the entire town as well as the town pupils and the coming generation of Darwen.
  • The disadvantage that I felt in the DACA academy and Darwen for now the town seems to be not going anywhere at all the pupils of Darwen are not putting the full passion and potential into exploring and higher education. most of the Darwen pupil are either living in the town and earning they living however they is a very low number of pupil that have gone outside Darwen to develop and expand them selves into higher education or they careers.
Group Workshop:
Jane McFadden (Head Of Unit X)

The workshop that we had with Jane was a workshop of Jane`s own experiences in delivering creative workshops.

  • Jane told us that it was key to have the same amount of fun as the children are when we are doing our workshop.
  • when they are being creative its always a good idea to be able to be part of their activities and make the children come in their comfort Zone.
Experiences in schools during Art Workshops:
  • Art can make teachers see students in a different way.
  • During creating art and design workshops students are always trying to achieve they best in their creation by using they imaginations.

Unit X: Key Blogspot 1

Key Blog Post 1:

What are they key points?

The Key points to unit X educator was basically about students having an opportunity to work as an art and design teachers in an educational school/college. Well the starting of unit x was a preparation for the mmu students for they placements. Darwen Aldridge Community Academy 6 days experience was a very interesting and interactive experience. So far I am confident from unit X that in DACA my aim was work with different ranges of students and teachers.

My experience in Darwen Aldridge Community Academy.

Throughout the days in DACA I have had mixed reviews of positive and negative experiences.  The positive experience that I had come through in DACA, was working with different age group of students such as secondary school and college. My week started with college student who were working on their final art and design projects, with DACA college student I had mixed experiences. Many of the college student were more keen on taking their project more personally and not able to share with the mmu students. I guess maybe the student were coming to the finishing of the project there were much confident on the projects. Although the students were uncomfortable this reminded of my college days as I was also uncomfortable to share about my work with different
tutors. Having to experiences myself this it made me realize that I have to bring the student in their comfort zone by talking about myself and giving them information on further education. This was development for myself and my role in DACA placement. However there are also very good and positive moment with college student to as throughout the week I had supported many college students that were related my creative practise in art and design. I was really comfortable with them as I enjoyed giving them ideas on their final mixed media piece and photographers too. I think my favourite experience with college student was interacting with them about their future plan and artists inspirations. Whereas the secondary student for was a wonderful challenge I really enjoyed working with mixed ranges of age group of students, each student for me was different and very interesting. I really enjoyed the year 7 students, there were really comfortable and good company to work with. I favourite year 7 lesson would be a textiles lesson where all the mmu students were helping the students to make sock puppets. This lesson was an experience lesson for me too has textiles is not my interactive subject however I had learned new skills. The other secondary year group were wonderful too as I worked with all the student throughout the two weeks. I felt my experience with secondary students was inspiring as it diverted my attention to my very own secondary school, whenever I felt difficulty with the students I would go back my school day and think to myself of what would I want. I felt that this is a very good tactics as to work with secondary schools or college student you would want to see what they want or prefer. Overall my days in DACA was a wonderful experience I strongly feel that I still want to go into art and design teaching, especially in secondary school as I really enjoyed working the different ages of students it was a great challenge for and really positive experiences.

Thoughts on Darwen Aldridge Community Academy workshop …
Main part of unit x in educator was to deliver a workshop in DACA, that was the main reason behind our placement in DACA. I think this was a wonderful idea as this most defiantly gave me experience at the place and idea on how organized we have to be during our workshop. The starting of my group’s workshop, the entire group come up with ideas of an abstract expression workshop.  We all decided with abstracted workshop as the one thing we all noticed that the secondary ad college student in DACA need to be freer and express themselves in art. Overall the experiences that I have come across through unit x has been a wonderful journey. I have learnt many new thing throughout my placements and really forward to delivering my very own workshop at DACA.

Sunday 19 April 2015

DACA Week 2 Planning Workshop Meeting

Workshop Planning:

Wednesday afternoon was all about planning our full day workshop with year 7 and 9 students. for the afternoon we all had a meeting with Louise about the workshop. All the mmu students were divided into two groups mix with fine art, graphics, Interactive art and textiles students. Once the group were divided my group made a mind map of all our ideas. More or less we were all involved around the idea of mark making. Mark making because we wanted the students to feel free, come out of the comfort zone and be ready to take risk. With this idea we wanted the students to not be scared in experimenting and to feel ok if they experiment goes wrong. over the group came up with idea of a art sports day of abstract expressions. However I know that the ideas will keep on changing to development till the workshop day. I hope everything goes well as it has been till now.

DACA: Week 2: Shadowing a student

Shadowing a Student:

 On Wednesday all the mmu students were given one student each to shadow for the morning. I was given a year 10 G.C.S.Es photography student. Liam was working on his current and last years photography exam presentations. Louise introduce Liam to me explaining how he is A star student in photography. I 100% agree with Louise has his work was really good, Liam had everything organized from every presentation slide to photographs. The only thing that Liam needed help on was his annotation and expressing his artists attention. I felt that Liam need to go indept with his annotation and that is what I had helped him on explaining his photography's really well  like the photographs week and strong points and his Photoshop editing skills. Overall I felt the Liam is really good in his skill of photography. The only thing that confuses me is that for a full year he will not be doing photography which his not good in my opinion has it can miss use his skills in photography.
Shadowing Liam was good however I wanted a challenging student to shadow. This is because I wanted to help more to the student who are week in these skills and I could help them with my skill in they certain subject.

DACA: Week 2 :

DACA: Week 2

Tuesday Afternoon

 Tuesday Afternoon in Daca was one of my favourite as I really enjoyed working with year 7 student in textiles. Many of the mmu students were in Textiles. we were enough for each of us to have a student each and work with them it was almost like shadowing a student. the year 7 student were making sock puppets. I really loved working with them and also talking generally with them too I felt as its was easy to talk and interact with them from the Sixth Form and G.C.S.E students. I really loved working with one to one students in fact me and Mariam team up and worked with two students and help them through the sock puppets and using our skills also the students worked with us got really comfortable with Mariam and I in talks, they was asking question about college and university. My favourite part of the session was the teacher of the class got us envolved with all the student by telling each mmu student to take over the class and play a game or involve the class in to activities. Going back to the students Mariam and I told them to continue their sock puppets and expand in materials use more such a different fabrics and colours. Overall working with year 7 was great for me I loved the challenge working with them and my self using my textiles skills.

DACA: Week 2 Monday and Tuesday

DACA Week 2 :
Monday and Tuesday:

After the first week in Daca working with Sixth Forms and G.C.S.Es students , this week i asked Louise to interact with year 7 to 9 student. so firstly second week in Daca I spent Monday and Tuesday mornings with year two different set of year 9 group. Both classes were doing the same projects they work was based on creating boards inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. The lesson was planned on the students sticking string on they cardboards using primer to stick layers of tissue paper over the top and then once it was dry they painted sections with watercolour inks. This projects of the students in my opinion seemed to be more of year 7 students standard not year 9. From both days Monday and Tuesday too I felt the same that this projects was not entertaining enough for year 9 they should have project more challenging and entertaining. while I was getting involve in the projects creating boards I was also observing the student claim that this work is for "babies it is no fun". also  the speed that the student were working in to it clearly shows me that their were bored and not really enjoying the lessons. I think that the student were not really enjoying the lesson was probably because the student was not able to expand the use of colours and materials as they were only aloud to use two different materials and colours. however other than this I was really impressed with the teacher end of the lesson activity where all the boarders created by the students were combined altogether for all the class to see and pick which one they liked. I felt this is a really good idea where teacher and students can share they opinions on they dislikes and likes boarders.

DACA: Week 1 Tuesday

On Tuesday I was observing a large group of G.C.S.E photography students who were doing they 10 hours photography exam. The teacher mainly asked us to go around and talk to the student and they exam projects. this part of interacting with student I had found a bit difficult as this group of G.C.S..E students were difficult to handle, they were some students that would talk to me about they projects however I also had some students that were quiet difficult to talk to. however interacting with the student i found it has a challenge it help me get through the student and bring them to their comfort zone to able to talk to me. Many student were really good when they need help on Photoshop or on the exam presentations they would ask and get involved with me by explaining about they projects and what they think of photography. They was on student that I really enjoyed working with. Her project was on natural objects and gradually developed to her 10 hours exam preparations. her work has a photographer was really inspiring and well presented. I think the only thing she was finding difficulty in was her annotations and artists research information.
I guess I really did enjoy this because photography takes me back to my G.C.S.Es days as I was being part of a 10 hours photography exam. Having to experience this long before made it more easy for me to understand what the students were doing and what they aim to have by the end of the exam.

Saturday 18 April 2015

DACA: Week 1

Week 1 DACA: Monday
Today was my first day at DACA at the start I was very nervous off getting there safely the help of my unit member made me come to my comfort zone. When we go to DACA all the unit members were welcomed by the head of art departments tutor Louise and the other staff members. Our experience started with us getting to know that it was exam week for the art students. My first session was observing DACA Sixth Form students. With the Sixth Form student I was really interested in interacting with the students and getting involved with their current projects. Most of the students were really grateful to share they projects. while discussing the student projects I could tell that the student had been asked  to think a lot about their concepts and ideas. Throughout the session of student talking about they work I could tell that the student were really confident about they work. However I did find interacting with some student hard because some were not able to express or feel comfortable talking about they current art projects. It was completely understandable has because interacting with the student took me back to my Sixth From College days when talking about my art work and current project. It clearly takes time to be comfortable and talk about your art.

I was with the DACA Sixth Form students all day the afternoon sessions and morning session too. I think my favourite part of my first day was when the teacher divided mmu students with Sixth Form student relevant to our own art practise. For example I am an Interactive Art student and very much in to Mixed Media Art, I was told to observe one of the student called Sarah who was working
on her final Mixed Media Collage Art project. I really enjoyed talking to Sarah give her ideas such as new artists....... expanding on her material use. her work was really good and she was confident about her project.

Educator: Welcome Part 2

Welcome Part 2

On Thursday was educators welcome part two presented my Anna Frew. Anna was basically explaining everything about what represent a good and a bad blog presentation. while discussing about blog presentations we worked in group to do mind map on our suggestion of a bad and good blog. I felt this exercise from Anna gave me a chance to get to know the people in my unit and their opinion on blog presentations. throughout the day of the welcome I felt quiet good compared to Tuesday my thoughts on this unit were becoming more positive. however I felt really nervous about Darwin secondary school DACA work experience. I think it was mostly the worry about how would I get there and if I would be ok amongst all the teacher and students. overall I think the welcome to this unit went really well from both of the tutors. they was a lot to take in however it was the tutor jobs to give all this information and prepare the full unit for the experience coming the next two weeks. By the end of the day I can clearly say that I am glad to pick my unit X option in educator and cannot wait for the placement to start.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Educator: Welcome Week Part 1

Educator: Welcome Part 1

I have most definitely enjoyed the first week of Unit X. on my first day on unit x I was very nervous because of meeting new peoples and my tutor. however Clair
made it really easy for me she was so nice on introducing herself and them making the rest of the unit introducing one by one to the full unit. This exercise  was really useful as it gave me a chance to something about each member of unit x and for them to know me. This exercise was also useful as becoming a teacher you should always introduce yourself self to the students and staff members.  throughout my first day at unit x it was mainly on brief task on how to prepare a bounty workshop with our groups. I felt like on the first day a lot of information was given to us, maybe its probably cause we have to be in our  DACA placements for next week. overall my first day went ok  I am looking forward to new and exciting things to come on unit x.
I am most definitely hoping for unit x to be much more fun this year then my last years unit x.