Friday 24 April 2015

MicroTeaching Brief and Intro



Anna Micro Teaching Session:

  • The Following week we had a introduction to Micro Teaching. We had to follow Anna instructions and work in pairs and in big groups for the Micro Teaching activates.
  • This picture is from the micro teaching introduction from Anna, this session was all about Anna delivering her warm up session on micro teaching in the Art direction' theory. what we had to do in this session is to be In pairs of two. everyone was given four pieces of coloured card, red, green, yellow and blue, as well as a piece of fruit. Anna had given us clear instruction for this task it was to place the piece of fruit onto which ever piece of card we personally think the fruit fitted best on. Farhana and I picked the apple has the fruit, we picked the apple has it reflected to the similar coloured cards which was given to us. However Farhana and I deciding to go with the bright yellow coloured card, the reason for this was because yellow was bright it had reflected with the apple really well, the two colours together was a great colour combination.

Micro Teaching Planning and Delivery Session:

 For Anna Micro Teaching session she delivered her workshop by asking everyone individually and make something out of play dough. to me creating something with play dough is similar to creating something with clay in ceramics. my creation with play dough was inspiration from an artists called Lindsay Furer who I came across my college year in art and design ceramics.
After this Anna paired us up with someone and what I had created in my session in micro teaching I had teaching my partner too. we both had to teaching each other of what we had created with play dough.

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