Sunday 19 April 2015

DACA: Week 1 Tuesday

On Tuesday I was observing a large group of G.C.S.E photography students who were doing they 10 hours photography exam. The teacher mainly asked us to go around and talk to the student and they exam projects. this part of interacting with student I had found a bit difficult as this group of G.C.S..E students were difficult to handle, they were some students that would talk to me about they projects however I also had some students that were quiet difficult to talk to. however interacting with the student i found it has a challenge it help me get through the student and bring them to their comfort zone to able to talk to me. Many student were really good when they need help on Photoshop or on the exam presentations they would ask and get involved with me by explaining about they projects and what they think of photography. They was on student that I really enjoyed working with. Her project was on natural objects and gradually developed to her 10 hours exam preparations. her work has a photographer was really inspiring and well presented. I think the only thing she was finding difficulty in was her annotations and artists research information.
I guess I really did enjoy this because photography takes me back to my G.C.S.Es days as I was being part of a 10 hours photography exam. Having to experience this long before made it more easy for me to understand what the students were doing and what they aim to have by the end of the exam.

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