Saturday 18 April 2015

DACA: Week 1

Week 1 DACA: Monday
Today was my first day at DACA at the start I was very nervous off getting there safely the help of my unit member made me come to my comfort zone. When we go to DACA all the unit members were welcomed by the head of art departments tutor Louise and the other staff members. Our experience started with us getting to know that it was exam week for the art students. My first session was observing DACA Sixth Form students. With the Sixth Form student I was really interested in interacting with the students and getting involved with their current projects. Most of the students were really grateful to share they projects. while discussing the student projects I could tell that the student had been asked  to think a lot about their concepts and ideas. Throughout the session of student talking about they work I could tell that the student were really confident about they work. However I did find interacting with some student hard because some were not able to express or feel comfortable talking about they current art projects. It was completely understandable has because interacting with the student took me back to my Sixth From College days when talking about my art work and current project. It clearly takes time to be comfortable and talk about your art.

I was with the DACA Sixth Form students all day the afternoon sessions and morning session too. I think my favourite part of my first day was when the teacher divided mmu students with Sixth Form student relevant to our own art practise. For example I am an Interactive Art student and very much in to Mixed Media Art, I was told to observe one of the student called Sarah who was working
on her final Mixed Media Collage Art project. I really enjoyed talking to Sarah give her ideas such as new artists....... expanding on her material use. her work was really good and she was confident about her project.

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