Sunday 19 April 2015

DACA: Week 2 Monday and Tuesday

DACA Week 2 :
Monday and Tuesday:

After the first week in Daca working with Sixth Forms and G.C.S.Es students , this week i asked Louise to interact with year 7 to 9 student. so firstly second week in Daca I spent Monday and Tuesday mornings with year two different set of year 9 group. Both classes were doing the same projects they work was based on creating boards inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. The lesson was planned on the students sticking string on they cardboards using primer to stick layers of tissue paper over the top and then once it was dry they painted sections with watercolour inks. This projects of the students in my opinion seemed to be more of year 7 students standard not year 9. From both days Monday and Tuesday too I felt the same that this projects was not entertaining enough for year 9 they should have project more challenging and entertaining. while I was getting involve in the projects creating boards I was also observing the student claim that this work is for "babies it is no fun". also  the speed that the student were working in to it clearly shows me that their were bored and not really enjoying the lessons. I think that the student were not really enjoying the lesson was probably because the student was not able to expand the use of colours and materials as they were only aloud to use two different materials and colours. however other than this I was really impressed with the teacher end of the lesson activity where all the boarders created by the students were combined altogether for all the class to see and pick which one they liked. I felt this is a really good idea where teacher and students can share they opinions on they dislikes and likes boarders.

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