Sunday 19 April 2015

DACA: Week 2: Shadowing a student

Shadowing a Student:

 On Wednesday all the mmu students were given one student each to shadow for the morning. I was given a year 10 G.C.S.Es photography student. Liam was working on his current and last years photography exam presentations. Louise introduce Liam to me explaining how he is A star student in photography. I 100% agree with Louise has his work was really good, Liam had everything organized from every presentation slide to photographs. The only thing that Liam needed help on was his annotation and expressing his artists attention. I felt that Liam need to go indept with his annotation and that is what I had helped him on explaining his photography's really well  like the photographs week and strong points and his Photoshop editing skills. Overall I felt the Liam is really good in his skill of photography. The only thing that confuses me is that for a full year he will not be doing photography which his not good in my opinion has it can miss use his skills in photography.
Shadowing Liam was good however I wanted a challenging student to shadow. This is because I wanted to help more to the student who are week in these skills and I could help them with my skill in they certain subject.

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