Wednesday 22 April 2015

Unit X: Key Blogspot 1

Key Blog Post 1:

What are they key points?

The Key points to unit X educator was basically about students having an opportunity to work as an art and design teachers in an educational school/college. Well the starting of unit x was a preparation for the mmu students for they placements. Darwen Aldridge Community Academy 6 days experience was a very interesting and interactive experience. So far I am confident from unit X that in DACA my aim was work with different ranges of students and teachers.

My experience in Darwen Aldridge Community Academy.

Throughout the days in DACA I have had mixed reviews of positive and negative experiences.  The positive experience that I had come through in DACA, was working with different age group of students such as secondary school and college. My week started with college student who were working on their final art and design projects, with DACA college student I had mixed experiences. Many of the college student were more keen on taking their project more personally and not able to share with the mmu students. I guess maybe the student were coming to the finishing of the project there were much confident on the projects. Although the students were uncomfortable this reminded of my college days as I was also uncomfortable to share about my work with different
tutors. Having to experiences myself this it made me realize that I have to bring the student in their comfort zone by talking about myself and giving them information on further education. This was development for myself and my role in DACA placement. However there are also very good and positive moment with college student to as throughout the week I had supported many college students that were related my creative practise in art and design. I was really comfortable with them as I enjoyed giving them ideas on their final mixed media piece and photographers too. I think my favourite experience with college student was interacting with them about their future plan and artists inspirations. Whereas the secondary student for was a wonderful challenge I really enjoyed working with mixed ranges of age group of students, each student for me was different and very interesting. I really enjoyed the year 7 students, there were really comfortable and good company to work with. I favourite year 7 lesson would be a textiles lesson where all the mmu students were helping the students to make sock puppets. This lesson was an experience lesson for me too has textiles is not my interactive subject however I had learned new skills. The other secondary year group were wonderful too as I worked with all the student throughout the two weeks. I felt my experience with secondary students was inspiring as it diverted my attention to my very own secondary school, whenever I felt difficulty with the students I would go back my school day and think to myself of what would I want. I felt that this is a very good tactics as to work with secondary schools or college student you would want to see what they want or prefer. Overall my days in DACA was a wonderful experience I strongly feel that I still want to go into art and design teaching, especially in secondary school as I really enjoyed working the different ages of students it was a great challenge for and really positive experiences.

Thoughts on Darwen Aldridge Community Academy workshop …
Main part of unit x in educator was to deliver a workshop in DACA, that was the main reason behind our placement in DACA. I think this was a wonderful idea as this most defiantly gave me experience at the place and idea on how organized we have to be during our workshop. The starting of my group’s workshop, the entire group come up with ideas of an abstract expression workshop.  We all decided with abstracted workshop as the one thing we all noticed that the secondary ad college student in DACA need to be freer and express themselves in art. Overall the experiences that I have come across through unit x has been a wonderful journey. I have learnt many new thing throughout my placements and really forward to delivering my very own workshop at DACA.

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