Wednesday 22 April 2015

Workshop Sessions

Review On D.A.C.A Experience

Group Talk:
on the first day back the entire unit x educator group all gathered around for a discussion on our experience of DACA. we all engaged with each other talking about our experiences and what we had thought about the school, teachers and students.
 what I had found the most common through out this discussion sessions was the fact and opinions on Darwen and the school.
  • In Darwen DACA will not be the only academy school they will be two other academy schools joining DACA which is currently there.
  • The DACA academy is shown to be a very strong and positive in Darwen town, its shown outstanding results and outcomes.
  • One of the outcomes that I had notice during my experience in DACA is that the academy is giving the students full encouragement and resources that will be helping them through out they academy years and setting them for the student future. I feel this will help the entire town as well as the town pupils and the coming generation of Darwen.
  • The disadvantage that I felt in the DACA academy and Darwen for now the town seems to be not going anywhere at all the pupils of Darwen are not putting the full passion and potential into exploring and higher education. most of the Darwen pupil are either living in the town and earning they living however they is a very low number of pupil that have gone outside Darwen to develop and expand them selves into higher education or they careers.
Group Workshop:
Jane McFadden (Head Of Unit X)

The workshop that we had with Jane was a workshop of Jane`s own experiences in delivering creative workshops.

  • Jane told us that it was key to have the same amount of fun as the children are when we are doing our workshop.
  • when they are being creative its always a good idea to be able to be part of their activities and make the children come in their comfort Zone.
Experiences in schools during Art Workshops:
  • Art can make teachers see students in a different way.
  • During creating art and design workshops students are always trying to achieve they best in their creation by using they imaginations.

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