Saturday 18 April 2015

Educator: Welcome Part 2

Welcome Part 2

On Thursday was educators welcome part two presented my Anna Frew. Anna was basically explaining everything about what represent a good and a bad blog presentation. while discussing about blog presentations we worked in group to do mind map on our suggestion of a bad and good blog. I felt this exercise from Anna gave me a chance to get to know the people in my unit and their opinion on blog presentations. throughout the day of the welcome I felt quiet good compared to Tuesday my thoughts on this unit were becoming more positive. however I felt really nervous about Darwin secondary school DACA work experience. I think it was mostly the worry about how would I get there and if I would be ok amongst all the teacher and students. overall I think the welcome to this unit went really well from both of the tutors. they was a lot to take in however it was the tutor jobs to give all this information and prepare the full unit for the experience coming the next two weeks. By the end of the day I can clearly say that I am glad to pick my unit X option in educator and cannot wait for the placement to start.

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